Employers have a wide variety of human resource needs they must address, including benefit plan administration, employee recordkeeping, payroll, 401k, COBRA, 125 POP/FSA, worker’s compensation insurance, regulatory compliance, etc. Typically, an employer meets these needs by hiring multiple vendors, each of which deliver their service through separate systems. As a result, the employer and the employees do not have a single place they can go to manage all of their human resource and benefit plan needs. Until now . . . HRConnect is an online, integrated human resource management system that meets ALL of an employer’s and employee’s needs. HRConnect includes a benefit plan administration system that is set up and maintained by the insurance agent. It summarizes all benefit plans and provides contact information for all carriers, enrollment forms, and other important information. Surveys of HR managers all draw the same conclusion–the most common employee inquiry is about health and benefit plans, so an effective HR system must have robust benefit plan administration capabilities, and HRConnect meets this need by having a system maintained by the local health and benefits expert. HRConnect includes a variety of other capabilities as well, including employee recordkeeping, company calendar, HR reports, vacation and attendance tracking and a company information section. In addition, HRConnect is seamlessly integrated with leading providers of payroll, COBRA, 125 POP/FSA, regulatory compliance, and other services that encompass the entire range of employee benefits and HR services. As a result, an employer can have HRConnect act as a single “hub” to process all of their HR needs.